Can you believe it!! We're here! One whole glorious, miraculous, blessing filled year old! We serve one awesome God!
And not only is Killian alive, he is well! When the doctors told us he had a
5% chance of survival, they made sure we knew that even on the slight chance he did pull through, he'd most certainly be extremely handicapped at best.
Well Glory to God, he is no vegetable! He is a capable little boy who did all of the following while I was in Nashville this weekend:
- Sat up for a bit on his own
- Laughed out loud! (a lot)
- Played peek a boo with his blanket
- Passed objects between his hands and explored textures
- Babbled and cooed when he got excited
- Cuddled like it was his job!
- And much more!!
This won't be a super long blog post because I want to get to the good from his party! But I do want to take a quick moment to reflect on how far we've come. I skimmed all of the previous blog posts and realized that nearly every single one of our prayers were answered. God listens! He loves us and He loves you!
In my devotional today the perfect scripture came up. It applies to Killian, praise the Lord, but it also applies to you! Whatever the new year may bring for you, just remember...
Jeremiah 29:11
11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
And now for the party pics!! We decided long ago that Killian's first birthday party would be superhero themed because, well, he's obviously a superhero with mad superhero skills!
We had lots of friends and family travel very far to celebrate with us. |
There were lots of fun snacks! |
And even more candy! |
Fun candy bars! |
AWESOME cookies our friend Rebecca in Wichita made and sent overnight for the party! |
Grandma Val made cupcakes with HOMEMADE icing! |
Aunt Layna was pretty stoked about "Sucker City" |
Yes!!! |
Super Killian (cape and all!) with Super Momma Lindsey |
My Grandma Val worked so hard on my party! And she takes such good care of me and my mommy! She's the best! |
Grandpa Barry always makes me smile! |
There's Crazy Aunt Layna! |
PawPaw Garry, Me and Kerr-Bear. We're all superheros! |
Cuddle time with paw paw Garry. |
It's Head Nurse Erin! She's still really involved in my life and photo credits for these awesome pics go to her! |
So much attention! I don't know what to do with myself |
Before the cake, mama told everyone my stats: 224 days in the hospital, 17 surgeries, 3 trips to the ER, 1447 fans on Facebook, 98,000 views to a blog about me! |
Then it was cake time! |
I did some good damage! |
Love my mommy! |
I got some sweet presents too! Lots of toys and clothes and diapers! |
Silly Aunt Layna! |
All tuckered out from partying too hard. |
I'll post more pictures from the weekend later, but wanted to share these with you on this wonderful day. I know we say it a lot but we can't thank you all enough for the love, cards, emails, calls, flowers, toys, cash, food, PRAYERS, POSITIVE THOUGHTS and so much more that you all have given us over the past year.
We are so blessed to know you and to have our sweet Killian with us today. Please say a special prayer today for those sweet cherubs we lost this year and who are currently fighting for their little precious lives.
We love you all!
xoxoxo Aunt Layna
Happy Birthday to a Super Special Boy!
ReplyDeleteSo happy at how far he has come!
Love, the Razza's and your superhero buddy, Ramsey
Killian's Family....
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your Blog. I, too was born with a diaphragmatic hernia, among other birth defects. I am now 29 years old. I love, love, love to write!! And, I enjoy singing. It sets my soul free somehow. People say that I am good.... ;)
Killian is adorable!! Beautiful in more ways than one. No, wait. As my phrase goes, he is Beautifully Unique!! ;-D
I will be praying for Killian's continued good health!! ;)
Keep posting. I want to watch Killian grow up!! ;-D
"I (we) shouldn't be alive... unless it were for a reason." ~Tony Stark
Wow! Thanks for the comment Raelyn!!
ReplyDeleteWow!! Thank-you for replying my comment!! ;-D
ReplyDeleteBut. There have not been any new Blog posts lately!! :-(
I am missing Killian, my fellow Kindred Spirit CDH Friend!! ;-D
I hope you are all staying well!! ;)
Happy Valentine's Day!! ;-D
Still missing Killian, my Kindred Spirit CDH Buddy!! I hope that he is staying healthy and thriving!! ;)
Still missing Killian, my Kindred Spirit CDH Buddy!! It has been well over one month since you last posted!! I hope that Killian is staying healthy and thriving!! ;)
Did you miss me? {Okay, that was part of a Tony Stark/Iron Man line from "The Avengers". Very cocky and self-centered, actually!!} Well, I have been missing in action so to speak around everybody's Blogs lately. I'm baaaack!! Did you miss me? Hee, hee, hee.... ;-D
ReplyDeleteYou have not posted on this Blog in well over three months. I am still missing Killian, my Kindred Spirit CDH Buddy!! You celebrated his first birthday. Now what? I do hope that he is staying healthy, growing strong, and reaching more milestones!! ;)
It has been four months since you last posted on this Blog!! I hope that everyone is enjoying their Spring!! Wow, Summer's nearly here!! I do hope beyond hope that Killian is growing, evolving, maturing, and thriving!! ;)
Happy Mother's Day, Friend!! ;)
It has been nearly five months since you last posted on this Blog!! I am missing Killian, my Kindred Spirit CDH Buddy!! ;)
ReplyDeleteYou know what? I have "met" twenty--in counting!!--children who were born with CDH online though the wonderful world of Blogging. Twenty!! I feel so connected to these unique children being a survivor of CDH myself, akin even, almost as though they are my babies. I love them, pray for them, and stand on the sidelines encouraging milestones. It would rip me up inside if something should happen to any of these children. "My" kids. That being said, I am hoping beyond hope that your precious little man is doing alright.
ReplyDeleteI am currently fighting a head cold right now, and cannot work on my Life Story. So. I'm commenting on Blogs!! ;)
Hey, you know what occurs when you wait impatiently for a Blog update about this Beautifully Unique little girl who was born with CDH, but has been suffering through some serious health issues lately? Simple. You discover her Facebook page!! Score!! Long story short, she is fighting hard!! Anyway. What I am trying to write here, is that I also discovered Killian's Facebook page!! Score!! I am so very glad that he is, indeed, thriving and reaching milestones!! ;-D
Oh, yeah. And I am also looking forward to that promised Blog update!! Keep them coming!! ;)
ReplyDeleteIt has been nearly six months since you last posted on this Blog!! I am still awaiting your promised update!! --Wink, wink!!--I am still missing Killian, my Kindred Spirit CDH Buddy!! ;)
I will go visit his Facebook page, although it is not quite the same.... ;-D